Why Recurring Donations help Charities Raise Funds

We’ve worked with businesses and charitable organizations over the years and one of the many challenges that charitable organizations face is fundraising. Charities face many challenges in raising funds for their causes. Donors may give once or twice, but then forget or lose interest.  Most of the time, volunteers have to pitch in their own funds to make ends meet and this makes it hard for charities to plan their budgets, forecast their income and expenses accurately, and measure their impact.

One of the most effective ways that you can keep donors coming back is by setting up a recurring donation program. Recurring donations are donations that are automatically deducted from the donor's bank on a regular basis, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually. Recurring donations have many benefits for both you and the donor.

Recurring donations provide a steady and predictable source of income for charities like yours. This allows you to plan ahead and budget your programs and activities. It also reduces the need for constant fundraising campaigns and appeals, which can be costly and time-consuming. One of the easiest ways you can save a lot of time is by using Subscribie to set up your recurring donations. It takes a few minutes to sets up and Subscribie automatically builds a shop with your donation plans/tiers.

Improves Retention

improving customer retention

Recurring donations increase donor retention and loyalty, so donors who commit to recurring donations are more likely to stay involved with the charity and support its mission. They also feel more connected and appreciated by the charity, as they receive regular updates and acknowledgements of their impact which you can update through Subscribe's page feature and you can take it one step further and include a reply to email in your correspondence so they can reply back to you or you could export your donors as a CSV file and contact all of them.

Improved Lifetime Value

improving lifetime value with subscribie

Recurring donations boost donor lifetime value because it's easier to maintain recurring donors over getting new donors to donate. Donors who already donate will have the desire to maintain consistency and continue. This is because recurring donors are less likely to lapse or stop giving, and more likely to increase their donation amount or frequency over time. To reward their support, Subscribie allows you the option to upload files and create pages that only your donors can see as exclusive content.

Convenience and Ease of Use

enjoying more convenience with Subscribie's recurring donations

Recurring donations are convenient and easy for donors because donors who opt for recurring donations do not have to worry about remembering to make a donation every time they want to support the charity. They can also choose a donation plan that suits their budget and preference. Recurring donations also give donors a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment, as they know they are making a difference every month. With Subscribie, if donors would like to give more money, we offer the option to enable one-time donations as well.

As you can see, recurring donations are a win-win situation for both charities and donors. And with the help of Subscribie, you can raise funds and achieve your goals, while also enhancing donor satisfaction and engagement. If you are a charity that does not want to deal with the hassle of spending a lot of time creating a recurring donation, you should consider Subscribie because it is one of the easiest ways to set up recurring donations. You will be amazed by the difference could make.

You can customize your plans with different prices and durations, and you can also integrate Subscribie with your website. Because Subscribie is simple, secure, and affordable, you can sign up and start accepting recurring donations in minutes. If you want to learn more about how Subscribie can help your charity, check out what Subscribie has to offer below.