How to Add Donations to your Website

Need an easy way to collect donations? Learn how you can collect donations easily from your donors with a simple design and easy-to-understand UI

How to Add Donations to your Website

Times are tough, especially in today's economic climate. We know it can be hard trying to navigate through this tough time. We at Subscribie want to help you make a difference, which is why we are introducing the Pay it Forward Beta (also known as donations). This is a great way your supporters and generous givers can contribute to your business/charity!

Want to try it out for yourself and follow along with this tutorial? Create a shop and try out donations!

Here's how you can enable donations in your shop dashboard:

Step 1: Log into your Shop Dashboard.

Step 2: Go to Donation Settings under Shop Settings* at the bottom of the dashboard.

Step 3: Enable Donations and click Save.

Donations is now enabled in your shop. You can viewed at the top of your dashboard in blue.

Now you know how to add donations to your shop, learn how to view donations received and how to export donations and transactions as a CSV file.

Thank you for reading this guide on adding donations to your shop, now it's time for you to try out adding donations to your shop. Start accepting donations today and see the benefits for yourself with Subscribie!