Step by Step Guide To Set Up A Subscription Website.

Setting up a subscription website doesn't have to be a difficult task. Website building services have simplified the process, allowing you to receive the benefits of a recurring payment model with ease. Before you create and develop your subscription website, there are key things to consider.

Step 1:
Decide if your products suit a recurring payment model
As subscription business models grow and develop, so does the product range suitable for the model. Popular product categories such as food, grooming products or goodie boxes are all well and good, but a recurring payment model can apply to almost any consumable product or service. Businesses offering highly niche products such as survivalist kits or fandom merchandise have seen great success with this model, don't fall into the trap of assuming your product won't fit. If its consumable or collectable, online or offline,the recurring payment model can work for you.

Step 2
Consider the frequency of your recurring payments
Offering different packages to your consumers will broaden the scope of your target market. Most subscription services offer products or services on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. When choosing your package options, consider the frequency of use for your product, how much are you shipping out and how long will it last? Ideally, you want to refresh your customers supplies as they begin to run low. Tailor the amount of product and refresh frequency according to this rule. It is also important to note that each customer is different, offering a variety of packages with different quantities and refresh rates will allow you to provide value to a wider breadth of customer types.

Step 3
Which model will you implement
Generally, subscription models fall into three categories. Sampling, bargain and consumables. Sampling models include sending consumers small samples of a wide variety of products that they may like, these models generally sell at a low cost with high variety. Bargain models aim to give consumers products at a low price, customers sign up for products at bargain prices, usually with the assurance that they can cancel or skip any future boxes. The most popular model for subscription services is the consumable model, this model sells consumable products such as food, grooming products or services. Consumers sign up due to the discount given to them for repeat purchases, they often receive more products when their supply is running low. Decide which category your products or services fall into, then research the model further to gain the maximum potential benefit.

Step 4
Choose which host you will use
Creating an e-commerce gateway to receive recurring payments can be stressful, a variety of websites like Squarespace and Wix do partially offer these services, however, they frequently outsource the payment gateway to a third party. Check out this article to see a comparison of the big websites offering subscription website builder services. Important things to keep in mind, remember the purpose of your website, don't overspend on flashy designs and prioritise ease of use and functionality over everything.

Step 5
Begin creating and developing your subscription website
Once you have chosen your host, begin designing and developing your subscription website. For a full outline of the common mistakes made by subscription websites, click here.

For any further queries regarding subscription websites, head over to SubscriptionWebsiteBuilder, they offer free and helpful advice regarding your subscription website.