Startups are failing under the weight of their SaaS Subscription costs

"Oh that's just £8 a month" says the director as he was preparing his cash flow for his upcoming call with potential investors. "Oh yeah, and the email marketing tool we use that's just a few quid, every month. "No, I'm not sure if we need to upgrade, yet".

He sat in a hot desking facility with other startup entrepreneurs, all budding business starters naive realities of running businesses. The startup space is sponsored by many tech companies, all eager to give away "free" trials and various "credits" for the highly scalable platforms - you need scale, right?

"My cash-flow forecast doesn't count for the potential influx of visitors we might get" he presses, "You see, as a SaaS business ourselves, our revenue could spiral overnight" says the director to his first-time investor.

Here's the twist- what about a SaaS that directly improves your business cashflow? Yes, Subscribie is a SaaS but it's for collecting payments automatically. This is a SaaS which makes your money, not the other way around.

Stop chasing your tail with endless subscription 'add-ons' (all features are included in Subscribie) and automate recurring payment collection with Subscribie.