Setting up a Subscription Service

Wondering how to set up a monthly subscription service?

Many people are considering creating a subscription box, or service, as people explore new ways to make money during and beyond the pandemic.

The key steps are:

  1. Create your plans
  2. Decide the amount you'll charge
  3. Generate your sign-up page

Here are some common questions around setting up a subscription service:

Do I have to have a website for selling subscriptions?

No, you can create sign-up links which you can send to customers, but it's easier for your customers if you do have a website where they can sign-up. With Subscribie, you can create a subscription service and get a website that people can sign-up from.

I want to start my own subscription box or service, where do I start?

As previously mentioned, there are a few vital steps to creating a subscription box. But before you even start on the three key steps, you need to make sure of one thing - is there actually a demand for what you are planning to offer in your subscription box? Here's some advice for starting your own subscription service...

Just starting out? Validate your idea

Do people actually want to buy your product?

If you're just starting out and it's only an idea then don't go spending the big bucks on an expensive website just yet. But, do start small, and collect as much feedback as you can from your first customers. Consider using our subscription service which costs less than a few coffee's from Greggs each week.

Please start a Greggs subscription, anyone?

Already in business wanting to start selling on subscription?

If you're already in business, great! You know people are happy to buy your product, and maybe now you want to experiment with creating an online subscription.

You can:

  • Improve cash flow!
  • Automatically bill your customers
  • Generate VAT invoices if you're VAT registered

Have you ever waited on a customer to pay you every month (or year) for the same invoice? Subscription billing is a no-brainer if you're chasing the same invoices each year or month. Take the hassle away and set-up subscription billing now.

If you're VAT registered, you can generate VAT invoices automatically, and the best bit? You can automatically bill your customers too - a massive time saver.

How to set up a monthly subscription

In the background, our service uses Stripe to create subscription payments for you (so you don't need to worry about coding anything).

The duration and frequency of payments is up to you. You may choose between

  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

It is also possible to pause subscriptions which is vital for customers that need a break, but don't want to end their subscription entirely. It's far better to pause a subscription than lose a subscriber for good.

I have a subscription service, now what?

Great! People can sign-up to your subscription service, now it's your time to share and let people know about the fantastic experience you sell. Remember, you're not just selling a subscription - you're selling an exciting activity, a special treat, and experience each month to look forward to. Make it special!

Subscribie is a UK based subscription set-up service which allows you to generate a subscription site and collect subscription payments from your customers.