The most bizarre subscription box ideas

The best subscription boxes provoke excitement and anticipation, and often feature high quality or novel products that are designed to surprise and brighten up the consumer’s day. However, some subscription services take this ‘surprise and novelty element’ to new heights, where the weird and the wacky take precedence. The huge advantage of these subscription boxes is the ‘fun factor’ and these ten companies below are not shy in emphasising this...

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1. Slime Box Club

A nightmare for parents but a dream for the kids. This subscription box offers the young ‘kiddy’ in your life all the monthly giggles and smiles as they get down and slime-y .

2. Exotic noodles

Forget your bog-standard pot-noodles and upgrade to monthly packs of premium exotic ramen noodles. Boasting unique flavours and styles from around the world, your chicken and mushroom pot-noodle from your student days will be a thing of the past!

3. (Pickles every month)

Ever have a monthly craving for pickles? No? Me neither but apparently there’s a niche in the market with offering its customers the chance to curate their own personalised ‘pickled cukes’ box. Who knew pickles where such a big dill?

4. Jangneus (Tea Towels)

Everyone always needs an extra tea towel. That’s why company Jangneus offers their “innovative” year-long subscriptions to guarantee you never run out 

5. SoSocksy

Ordinary socks are a thing of the past. They are boring, bland and basic. This problem can be easily solved as company SoSocksy offers a monthly subscription of novelty socks for women. So rest assured that once every month you can put your best foot forward.

6. Freedom Japanese Market

This subscription service is actually quite cool ordering straight to your door handpicked Japanese sweets and snacks. Including unusual items such as “Curry Arare”- a Japanese curry flavoured mini rice cracker - this box combines both the weird and the wonderful to create the anticipation and excitement that is characteristic of subscription packages.

7. Superloot

For the nerd is your life, there is only one subscription service to get their spidey sense tingling and that is company Superloot who boost they offer the “perfect geek box”- centred on themes from gaming, to sci-fi movies, to comic books. Superloot- YODA one for me.

8. Cathampurr

For all you single, crazy cat lovers this subscription service offers to brighten up the special feline in your life with personalised monthly treats and toys. PURRRfect.

9. A Years supply of ...Indie Magazines

This site features unique gift subscriptions that are “a great way to tell somebody you think they’re an interesting person.” One of these unusual gifts includes a monthly subscription of Indies Magazines ranging from graphic design magazines to the famous ‘Wire,’ the left of field music magazine.

10. Cheeseposties

Our last subscription service is a blast from the past. Although no longer trading, this service offered the ultimate monthly delight: that of a unique deconstructed cheese toastie through the post every month... I suppose all gouda things must come to an end!!

If you have an idea for your own subscription box business, whether as weird and wacky as some of these, or a little less “outside the box”, then check out our subscription website builder and start taking real orders from today!

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10 crazy/cool subscription boxes:



Types of Geeky boxes include GeekGear Classic, GeekGear Wizardry (with a wearable edition) ...all boxes have a special edition version


Another Geeky investment

Freedom Japanese Market


Boxes include handpicked Japanese candies and snacks sent straight to your front door – three packs available Punchi Pack, original pack and family premium pack ----includes items like “Curry Arare” – Japanese curry flavoured mini rice crackers or Punchi Potato Chips in pea and spicy mayo (look a bit like mini Pringles)

Tostie Subscription
Still a cool idea- cheese toastie subscription


Offers monthly novelty socks for women

Jangneus Tea Towels

Tea towel subscription

Cat Hampurr

Personalised box featuring a selection of treats and toys for your cat

The Glittery Hands Box

Get your craft on themes include Cactis to Mermaids to the 90s

Miscellaneous Subscriptions (from slime to exotic ramen!)
Site which includes a yearly subscription of Indie Magazines ‘stack magazines’ “Buying Stack as a gift subscription is a great way to tell somebody you think they’re an interesting person”
Monthly delivery of slime
Each monthly delivery contains at least 4 premium exotic ramen products
-Pickles every month

Start your own Subscription Website

What's your niche? Or are you just better than the competition? Perhaps you're more local, have better customer service or more cool products?

Use Subscribie to start build a subscription website which is quick and easy for you. ← It only takes 10 minutes to get started!