How to use Categories in Subscribie

The Subscribie's Category feature enables you as a Shop Admin to group and display your subscription services or products by category.For example, this is how it will look like.

Subscribie Shop View - using categories

How to enable categories in Subscribie.

  1. Browse to the admin dasboard and click into "Manage Categories".

2. In the Categories menu you will be able to Add/Edit a Category, Add plans to an specific category or delete it.

2.A. In the "Add Category", you can simple put the name you want to call the new category and click "save".

2.B. In the "Put Plans in this Category" option, you will be able to assign any existing plan into the selected category.

Thats it!!

Now when you go to your shop's homepage, you will be able to see the categories and assigned plans. In this example is shown 3 categories each with 1 plan.

If you have any more questions about how to create a subscription website please visit us at Subscribie, the Subscription website builder.