How to setup Google Analytics and Tag Manager for Subscribie

How to setup Google Analytics and Tag Manager for Subscribie

Google Analytics is a tool that will help you know more information about the visitors entering your site by measuring and tracking users behaviour.
Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows to update and deploy measurement codes known as "tags".

This tutorial is using Google Analytics version 4 (GA4 Configuration). The previous version was called  "Google Universal Analytics" the steps are similar but take this into consideration when following the guide.

The First Step will be to sign-up to Google Analytics.

After setting up your profile, save the MEASUREMENT ID.  

If you lost it, it can be  found in admin >  Property Column > Data Streams > click your site.


Second Step will be to sign-up to Google Tag Manager.

After setting up your profile, go to "add a new tag".

Click Tag Configuration > Google Analytics GA4 Configuration

Paste the MEASUREMENT ID from the Google Analytics and set the fields depending on your business objectives.

Click Triggering > All Pages

Click save.

Third Step, Configure your subscribie site.

Go to Subscribie admin dashboard and search for the "Integrations (Online Chat, Analytics & inject custome code)" > "Connect to Google Tag Manager".

Paste The Google Tag Manager and click "Connect Google Tag Manager".

The Publishable Key can be found in Google Tag Manager page
GTM-ML6CHKH is the Publishable Key

After a refresh, it should show as active. Now, the Google Tag is injected into your site. (You don't neet to inject the Google Tag Manager Scripts since the Subscribie Module do this for you).

Now, go to Google Tag Manager and click "publish". Fill the fields and then publish it.

if you want to know if the code was successfully injected into your site click "preview".  This will open a browser debugger for you.

Now the Google Tag Manager is live!!

To see the information from your visitors, go to Google Analytics home or realtime tab.

These tools are very powerful and will need time to master and specify every available options to optimise your site. These are some links that could help to understand more features.

[GA4] Implementation guide for Google Tag Manager - Analytics Help
This article is for website owners who want in-depth implementation guidance. It assumes that you have already created a Google Analytics 4 property. If you just want to add basic measurement to your
Google Analytics 4 tags - Tag Manager Help
Google Analytics 4 properties bridge the gap between web and mobile analytics. Google Tag Manager supports Google Analytics 4 properties with two tags that work together: Google Analytics: GA4 Con
How to Set Up Google Analytics: A Step-by-Step Guide
Knowing how to set up Google Analytics will help you access a wealth of information about your website’s visitors.

If you have any more questions about how to create a subscription website please visit us at Subscribie, the Subscription website builder.