How to sell online videos on subscription with membership

Computing 4 Kids was asking us for solutions to easily sell their online learning resource videos to members online. We went through many options some easy some more involved.


  • Have a collection of online learning resources they want to sell on subscription
  • Videos which contain valuable lessons and top tips
  • The objective is to allow paying members access to these videos, whilst taking a monthly fee for access
  • They don't want to spend lots of money or spend a long time building a new platform, although they might in the future

If you want to sell videos to members (like on a membership basis) you have at at least two challenges to solve.

  1. Protecting and storing your videos
  2. Taking recurring payment on subscription

We highlighted that for some business you could go all out and build a complete system. Not everybody has time for that! Or, if like Vicky from Computing 4 Kids you might see the value in starting small. There's no need to commit yourself to building a large system using Wordpress or Video online platforms to get started.

Storing your videos & selling subscriptions to mebers

Here's how to do it.

Store your videos in a service like Dropbox, or Tresorit, then use Subscribie to sign-up your customers to monthly payments.

Set your monthly membership fee, and add users which sign up to your services to your Dropbox/Tresorit storage via their email address. This is a simple efficient way to solve a seemly complicated challenge of managing subscribers, video access and payments.

Why do it this way?

Storage and recurring membership payments are two fundamentally different problems. Yes, you can build a bespoke solution or spend hours/weeks configuring Wordpress, but if you're just getting started or don't need the complexity of setting up large systems this is the perfect solution. InsightsBP also chooses this as a solution to their face-to-face consultancy sessions as they develop their video series of advice and Training related to business psychology.

  • Use Subscribie to take recuring payments and accept members
  • Add your customers to the relevant shared folder on Dropbox/Tresorit once they're a confirmed member