How to Categorise Your Plans

In this article, you will learn how to create categories for your plans.

To experience all our latest features create your own shop for your customers on Subscribie!

Step 1: To categorise the plans in your shop on Subscribie, Log into your store and navigate to your Shop Dashboard.

Step 2: Select "Manage Catagories" under "Edit/Add Plans"

Step 3: Select "Add Catagory"

Step 4: Enter your category's name in "Category Name" and save.

Step 5: Return back to "Add / Edit / Delete Categories" and click "Put Plans in this Catagory"

Step 6: Now select the plans that you would like to add to your category.

Now you have successfully created your category for your plans in your shop on Subscribie!

Now, try Subscribie and try out these features for yourself.