Create a one-off plan in a Subscription

Having a variety of options to choose from, allows you to cater to every customer's needs no matter their preferences, be it monthly, weekly or even annual subscriptions. Subscribie allows you to even set up one-off purchase plans and gives you the customization to mix and match and even create a recurring plan with an upfront cost! But first, let's take a look at how you can set up a one-off purchase plan.

Want to create a subscription instead? Then signup below and check out our helpful guide on how to make a subscription plan!

Step 1: Log into your dashboard and click “Add Plan” under Edit/Add Plans

Step 2: Fill in the name of your plan and other information

Step 3: Select “Add upfront charge”

Step 4: Click Save

Now your one-off plan has successfully been created! Feel like you're ready to start a subscription? Get started with your Subscription with Subscribie