Add Live Chat to your Subscription Website

In 3 simple steps Quickly add a live chat to your subscription website & provide visitors a better experience.

Add Live Chat to your Subscription Website
live chat with customers and subscibers

If you want to provide a better customer experience and increase conversions in your subscription, you might want to consider adding a live chat feature. Live chat allows you to interact with your visitors in real time, answer their questions, address their concerns, and guide them. Want to know how to set it up? Then check out this video!

In this tutorial, we will show you how to connect Tawk to your Subscribie site in three steps. Feel free to create an account and follow along.

Steps to Add a Live Chat to Your Subscription

Step 1: In your dashboard, open the Integrations (Online Chat, Analytics & inject custom code) and select Connect to Tawk.

go to connect to tawk

Step 2: Create a Tawk account and copy the end of the URL in the address bar

In our example, the part to be copied is 642bc7d94247f20fefe9b017 from the URL -

This is the string of letters and numbers after the final "/" in the address bar.
copy the property id from tawk

Step 3: Now come back to Subscribie and paste the portion of the URL that you copied into the "Property ID:" text box and click Connect Tawk Chat

paste it in property id

You have successfully added a live chat to your subscription shop. Start your shop today, streamline payments and interact with your subscribers with live chat. Sign up today and get a 60-day money-back guarantee.