Add Customized Notes to Your Subscription Plan

Custom notes allow you to collect additional information from your customers when they sign up for your subscription, such as their preferences, feedback, or special requests. This can help you tailor your subscription to their needs and improve customer satisfaction. Let's get started!

Want to follow along and add a custom note to your subscription plan? Feel free to signup and get started!

Step 1: Go to Edit Plans, under the Edit/Add Plans tab.

Step 2: Under the plan, you would like to add a custom note to, enable Require Customer Note.

Step 3: Enter instructions on what you would like your customers to fill out in the notes section in the "Message to customer" box.

Step 4: Now, scroll down and Click Save

You have now successfully added notes to your subscription plan. Any customer who signs up for your subscription will be able to fill out the custom note and make your subscription much easier to handle! Want to try it out for yourself? Sign up today and create your own subscription!